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Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones, I am pleased with your determination to do my will at all times, and your fervency in all you do to serve me. I am also pleased with Karen's work and I am pouring out my Spirit upon her and will continue to do so as she goes forward in my vineyard.

The subject of my message tonight is "Servanthood." I came to earth as a servant of servants, and that means that all who follow me are to see themselves as servants of the Most High God. But it also means that you are elevated in your servanthood to sons and daughters of the King of the universe. As such, you are to remember wherever you are and whatever you do that you are to represent the King of heaven, which is your permanent home. You are just pilgrims here in this earth, and your life has meaning and purpose only as you realize this fact and live as though you had actual access to visit with me on a face-to-face basis. The veil between us is very thin, now, because you are becoming more cleansed and can understand and comprehend heavenly themes so much more quickly and easily. Therefore I can, and am, revealing to you wisdom that has never been understood before, because the veil of your minds between the holy and most holy place is being lifted and you are seeing behind the veil and understanding things that can only be comprehended when the cleansing of the second apartment work is in progress. The reason I am sharing this with you is because I don't want you to be discouraged when you try to share with others who are not in a second apartment relationship with me, and therefore do not have the capacity to understand the deepest levels of salvation.

For example, many who take my name do not understand my nature, which combined humanity with divinity while I was a common man walking among men, yet fully possessing the divine nature that I have had with my Father throughout eternity. This is incomprehensible to anyone who judges my nature by his own. This combination makes my nature unique in the universe, and thus beyond the comprehension of anyone but myself and my Father. But you can understand and share this: I am fully divine and fully human, but my humanity, joined with divinity, knew no sin. I felt the pangs and suffering that sin had brought upon the human race, yet I knew no sin. My human nature was as spotless as the character of my Father, and we joined hands together that I should experience the woe that sin brought upon the human race, but not the defilement. I did this to bring you up to this perfect standard by joining your lives with me and becoming one with me so that you also can know the joy of holiness and be free from every taint of sin. I will help you - I will live out my perfect life in and through you if you will clasp hands with me and allow me to purge you of every defiling thought, feeling, and motive, and give me your whole heart for the transformation that I offer through the blood I shed for each of you on Calvary. I died that you might live, not just your earthly life, but I offer to each one of you eternal life with me and my Father in heaven. Will you accept me, just now, into your heart? Do not be afraid of scoffers who cannot comprehend such a transformation because they are satisfied to live with their sinful impulses and carnal temptations. I cannot accept anything less than full surrender. But what glory awaits you when you give your heart, mind, and yes - your impulses to me and let me give you mine in exchange. Do you see how that makes us one with each other? As such, you become my Bride - bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, and one with me in mind, heart, and Spirit. I am not sharing this with you as though I had to convince you - I am sharing my deepest heart with you because you are already following me, rejoicing in my presence and my love for you and longing for the consummation of our oneness with each other in the courts of my Father. He is now waiting with eagerness to receive you, as I bring you to Him as the reward of all our sufferings with the human race. But the reward is enough, and soon it will be complete, for the war with Satan is almost over, and the victory will soon be won. With each of you by my side, we will win the victory over the enemy and be safe in the kingdom of my Father. To this end I commit myself and my love to finish the work I have started and bring an end to the great controversy! Lovingly, Jesus.


Dearest Ones,

I have a special message of love for you today because of your faithfulness for my cause in the earth. Because of you, I can now go forward to the end of all things without further delay. I am about to pour out my wrath upon the wicked in preparation for the day of God. By this I do not mean the seven last plagues, for there is much to happen before that time. What I am about to do will help you in your labors for me, because it will arrest the attention of the world and even my church that the end of all things is at hand. Your message of cleansing and the understanding of the sanctuary is vital, because it removes the misunderstanding that has been in the minds and hearts of my people that they can carry on life as usual until the Sunday law, and then prepare for my coming. This is not so. For most people, this would be too late to awaken from their slumbers and perfect the holiness of character that is necessary to be among the honest and true followers who are represented by the wise virgins. Sincerity of heart is absolutely imperative in order to prepare the heart for translation, or even salvation on any level. Only the honest in heart who love me and my principles will be in my kingdom. This is why your message of the true meaning of holiness through the sanctuary is so vital. There are many false professors of faith who are Christians in name only, but not of heart because they want what I have to offer as far as salvation and a good life, but they do not want holiness and purity, nor do they want to go through struggles and trials to obtain it. They are false believers and will fall away like dead leaves when the trials of the end hit the world.

But there are also people who yearn for a better life and freedom from the pitfalls produced by the carnal nature, who search in vain in the popular religions, or in the sleeping congregations in my church. Truly, whole churches will be lost in the end because they would not arouse from their carnal security and cloak of piety until it was too late. But in nearly every church there are those who are dissatisfied with what they have and want the true water of life. It is these that I seek with the message of hope that I have given to you. So this message must go to the ends of the earth by plane or train or oxcart or donkey until it has reached the farthest corners of the earth, and has been made available to every person, because I can then close probationary time. I am making this possible through the media, the study guides, and those of you who are using every opportunity to witness wherever you go. I will speed up its progress by every means available, and in order to do this I must provide funds for you to reach the masses. This I will do in a variety of ways, for I have people who will be willing to give when they see the necessity of the message and the enormity of the work. So the last warning message will speed on its way around the world and I will open doors for you that you do not see now, but you will see as you advance forward by faith. Now is the time, this is the message, and you are the people. So do not become weary and faint-hearted, little flock! You are few in number, but I am at the wheel, and I have always been able to accomplish my goals through the few faithful ones that I have who are willing to risk all for me.

Now go to the activities of your day, but do not become discouraged -- ever! Discouragement is sinful because it means that you are not looking up to me and what I can do, but looking down at yourself at what you can do. Look up! For your redemption draws nigh, and the work that must be done now has more than human instruments who are carrying the responsibility for its success. My angels are belting the world, holding back the powers of darkness until every last soul has had an opportunity to grasp hold of the truth that will bring them salvation. So go joyfully and triumphantly into the harvest field today, and see the success that I will give you as you labor together with me! Lovingly, Jesus.

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I have a message for you today concerning faith in the messages that I am sending to you. Not everything that you write is to be considered prophetic. I send these message to you for encouragement for you, and for you to know my love and care for you, and be secure that you are chosen to bring new light to those who walk in darkness and error about the timing of my coming and the closeness of the end of all things. I am not calling you to the role of prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, or Ellen White. I gave them everything that was needed to see my people through to the end of time. But you are called to be my special vanguard at this time in history to recognize what I am doing and where I am in the heavenly sanctuary so that I can pour out my light upon you to enable you to be watchmen on the walls to awaken my sleeping church, and also find the lost and straying sheep that need to hear the message of my soon coming. Again I say that not everything you have received in these messages is to be understood as prophetic, but as a warning and an alert to watch for the events that are about to happen that have already been foretold by my true prophets who were called specifically for that role and calling. But I have called you to do a very important and essential role and task -- you are to be recognizing where we are in the outline of prophetic history and the countdown of events that lead up to my coming. Along with that, I want to reveal new light to you about the sanctuary and its vital importance for the preparation that is necessary to be among those who are translated. I would advise you not to try to set exact timing on these events, because they are somewhat affected by the progress of my gospel message around the world, and the reception or rejection of the full understanding of the light that is to be poured out during the latter rain. There will be no delay in the timing of my coming, but because you cannot see what I can see in the hearts of people around the world, you must not trust in exact timing. I assure you "He that shall come will come, and will not tarry" [Heb. 10:37],* but look for events, not for exact time setting.

Now go to the activities with your day, but take heart and do not be discouraged, for I am with you every moment and you are safe in my arms as long as you look constantly to me and follow my leading. I am pleased with your prayers for the nations, for you have rightly discerned that the time has come for this. Do you see how important it is for you to hear my voice and obey my instructions? What happens on earth has a direct effect upon what I am able to do in my ministry in heaven! I must have my bride on earth in full connection and cooperation with me so that we can move forward together. I cannot finish my work alone without my bride! So thank you for your determination to cooperate fully with me and to hear my voice and my instructions to you every day. You are the joy of my heart, for because of you, I can now go forward to the end. Be not afraid, little flock, of the roar of the lion, for I am always there to protect and provide for you. Satan well knows that if he cannot deceive you, discourage you, or destroy you, he will lose his battle against me and my kingdom. But I am your strong tower of deliverance and protection, so run to me, trust in me, look to me and you will be safe. I love you with an everlasting love which has no beginning and no end, and you need never fear as long as you look constantly to me and rest in my love and care for you. Soon the war will be over and you will be at home with me forever. Until then, fight the good fight of faith and you will triumph over all the hosts of evil. Lovingly, Jesus.

*"Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But ye are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul." Heb. 10:35-39.

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