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Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I am preparing to use you greatly in the days ahead to get my messages of truth to the world. The people of the world are languishing to hear messages that guide them and lead them to know me and my requirements for salvation. As the world deteriorates, people are fearing for their very lives. Nations are in commotion, kingdoms are tumbling, disasters are taking place in monumental proportions, and a great fear is coming upon the people of every country. This is because I am allowing things to happen as harbingers of my coming and the close of human probation just preceding that event. The sins of the people of the world has reached a high pass, and I am no longer going to permit Satan to continue his high-handed course of spreading his rebellion against me without retribution from my throne. Were it not for my continual protection of those who love and serve me, there would soon not be another person or animal left upon the face of the earth. And so it will be when in majesty and power I return to take my faithful people home to be with me for the ceaseless ages of eternity.

But between now and then, there will be a time of trouble such as never was and you must warn the people of what is coming quickly, even at the door. But most importantly you must tell them how to prepare themselves so that they will not be among the lost, who will be refuse upon the face of the earth. Oh, how many are going to be surprised at my coming who are now feeling secure in their salvation and believe themselves to be saved because of their good works, but have no personal connection with me at all. So I want you to tell them this before it is too late and while there is yet time for repentance unto salvation. I do not hold you responsible for the outcome, but I do hold you responsible to get the message of warning to every person who will listen. I did the same while I was on earth, for I saw the bloodbath that would take place in 70 AD when the Roman army destroyed the temple. That is why I wept over Jerusalem, and so I weep now over so many people who will be lost when they thought that they would be saved.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep in mind the seriousness of the hour, and the importance of the task before you. Time is short, and the task is great, but by my grace you will reach every soul as you go forward. Just listen to my still small voice as I lead and direct you and you cannot fail to accomplish everything that I require of you. And when I come, you will hear my words to you, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, enter into the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Lovingly, Jesus.

Relevant quotes from today's worship [6-17-19]:

"Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites.... Say to them, "This is what the Sovereign Lord says"... whether they listen or fail to listen.... Do not be afraid of them or their words.... You must speak my words to them whether they listen or fail to listen.... I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me." Eze. 2:3-7; 3:17.

"The heavenly messengers seen by Ezekiel, like a bright light going among the living creatures with the swiftness of lightning, represent the speed with which this work will finally go forward to completion." 4 BC 1161.

"The Lord has a people on the earth, who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. He has His thousands who have not bowed the knee to Baal. Such will stand with him on Mount Zion. But they must stand on this earth, girded with the whole armor, ready to engage in the work of saving those who are ready to perish. Heavenly angels conduct this search, and spiritual activity is demanded of all who believe present truth, that they may join the angels in their work.

"We need not wait till we are translated to follow Christ. God's people may do this here below.

We shall follow the Lamb of God in the courts above only if we follow Him here. Following Him in heaven depends on our keeping His commandments now. We are not to follow Christ fitfully or capriciously, only when it is for our advantage.

"We must choose to follow Him. In daily life we must follow His example, as a flock trustfully follows its shepherd. We are to follow Him by suffering for His sake, saying, at every step, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him." His life practice must be our life practice. And as we thus seek to be like Him, and to bring our wills into conformity to His will, we shall reveal Him." 7 BC 978.

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

Yesterday was an important milestone in the progress of your work for me that is to take the last warning message around the world. People must know that the door of salvation is closing, and that I am about to step down from my throne and punish the world and its inhabitants for their iniquity. It would not be possible for me to do this were it not for my remnant people who are allowing me to cleanse them of all sin and prepare their hearts to live in holiness before me, both here and also in heaven where they will shine like stars in the universe. All must see that my love and my sacrifice for sin is efficacious and powerful enough to win the hearts of my people to the point where they would rather die than sin -- rather die than deviate from one point in my Decalogue. My law is not a galling yoke of slavery as many believe it to be! My law means freedom from the very things that produce death, misery, and slavery to Satan, who is a despot who cares nothing for anyone but himself, and delights only in ruling the earth and its inhabitants with an iron fist and causing death, disease, and destruction. This is why I came to serve and save mankind. I knew that there would be some who would love and serve me and desire to be free from the control of the evil one.

And so now the time has come to finish the work of redemption and carry out the plan which my Father and I set in motion so long ago to rid the universe of rebellion and sin. Our plan is not built upon coercion, but of a display of what love does in contrast to the dominion of Satan. This plan is now nearly complete. All that remains is the final work of cleansing and sealing my beloved ones who understand and cooperate with me fully in this final phase of my ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. This cannot be accomplished without your cooperation, but this I now have. Do you see how vitally important you are in the finished work of my redeeming love? Do you see why I will be able to bring sin to a conclusion because you are in full harmony and partnership with me in every aspect? Angels marvel at your submission to, and love for, me -- not because they are unaware of the necessity of this in order to bring an end to sin, but because you are doing this with the full weight of the conclusion of sin in your genes and inheritance. But this is an absolute necessity to the finishing of sin, for no further demonstration is now needed or even possible to show both the results of sin and also the healing of sin and its expulsion from the universe forever. This is why the inhabitants of heaven are rejoicing that my bride is making herself ready to wear the spotless robe of my righteousness in demonstration of the power of my love and saving grace.

Now go to the activities of your day, but rejoice and be glad, for your redemption draweth nigh! Lovingly, Jesus.

Additional thoughts: Ps. 147:11 - "The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love."

KH 276 - "In proportion as you surrender yourselves to the working of the Holy Spirit you are supplied with heavenly grace. You are molded and fashioned a vessel unto honor, and become a channel through which God makes manifest His grace to the world."

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I have an important message for you tonight - one that will speed my work forward as you share it with others. Yes, the latter rain has begun, and this message will quickly go around the world as the light begins to shine more brightly about the judgment of the living and the cleansing. This is what I have been waiting for my people to receive, understand, and cooperate with me, since this message was spurned and rejected by my people, especially the leading brethren, in 1888. This was a great disappointment to me and all of heaven, for this precious message of my righteousness which I was prepared to give through the indwelling of my Spirit, was considered fanaticism and false doctrine, and cut across the leaders' concept of a works oriented religion of right doing and scrupulous behavior as the full display of righteousness. This, in fact, is Phariseeism, but it is loved and cherished by those who desire to be saved by their works.

But I now have a message of righteousness through intimate and constant companionship with me, receiving of my Spirit and being cleansed by my blood, that will stand the time of testing that is just ahead of you. No one can stand through that time unless they are completely cleansed of all self-righteousness and sinful thoughts, feelings, and motives, and are in full harmony with me in every area of their lives. This state of being cannot be accomplished by works, although it produces works of righteousness. No, it must be received as a gift that comes from such a close walk and intimacy with me that I can cleanse out any sympathy with Satan and replace it with my thoughts and feelings about everything you go through every moment of your life. Then true righteousness becomes like breathing, for every breath you take will be a prayer that rises like incense to the throne of my Father, and opens your heart to the latter rain which comes down upon you from His throne. Your heart will beat as one with ours, and thus you will be filled with the righteousness that knows no sinful characteristics, thoughts, or feelings. This is my gift of love to those of you who are now responding to the Spirit's last call to the inhabitants of earth. Now will be fulfilled all the prophecies of Scripture that predict a final generation who will fully reveal my character to the universe and to the world.

Now go to your rest, but keep uppermost in your mind that you have reached the moment in time when all the blessings that I have promised to my faithful people can be poured out upon you, for you are the generation that has accepted the full light of the gospel in its final stages of cleansing and restoration. Every day, and yes, - even every moment - hold up your cup to be filled by the latter rain, and I will not disappoint you. You are my ambassadors to a dying world, and although this time will not be long, it will be filled with all the power you need to finish the work. I will give you strength; I will give you directions; I will give you funds; and I will give you power from above to accomplish the work. I will open doors ahead of you wherever you go, and your enemies will not be able to stop you from fulfilling the last great outpouring of light and power that will attend the work. Thus the harvest of the earth will be reaped, and my work in the second apartment will come to an end. Let the fire fall! For the time is at hand! Lovingly, Jesus.

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