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Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I am so pleased with your response to my message of love to you today. I used the writings of my servant, Ellen White, to speak to you personally with these messages which were written especially for you. I knew that my message of righteousness by faith would not penetrate the minds of these faithful pioneers. But they will be rewarded in my kingdom for their faithfulness and courage to take the truth that I gave to them to the ends of the earth. Nevertheless, I knew that they were not ready for the final cleansing, and that a great work had to be done before I could pour out the latter rain upon a cleansed remnant. I have been patiently waiting for the precious fruit to appear, and now I have my remnant people who comprehend what no other generation has understood -- the cleansing of the roots of sin that lie deep within the unconscious mind. No one understands that I, the Creator, have specifically organized the mind so that I can have access to every part of what I have created. I am not an impotent God who has created something that I cannot cleanse and restore to my original design. When I came to earth I came to demonstrate what a fully perfect mind looks like in human flesh. And I can restore your mind into my image by the transforming power of my Holy Spirit; and by that same power I will restore to perfection those who will cooperate fully with me.

How I love those who love me and allow me to do this for them! As a bridegroom rejoices over his lovely bride, so I rejoice over you and all who will follow me completely at this time in history. You will forever be by my side throughout eternity, for I would have something missing in my heart without you. My soul yearns with unspeakable yearning to have the great controversy finished and the devil and his followers destroyed. But I must exercise divine patience to follow the prescribed pathway for the deliverance and restoration of mankind from the clutches of my enemy, who desires to strip me of my people and my kingdom. But he will not prevail, for his power is from lies, deception, and force, while mine is with love, truth, and freedom of choice. Only those who choose my way and my kingdom will live with me throughout eternity, and the devil and his followers and his kingdom will be destroyed forever. And that day is soon to come, my beloved ones. So keep up your courage and your faithfulness to me and my cause in the earth and your reward is sure in my soon-coming kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I have a message for you today concerning the timing of my advent. I have not spoken to you about this before because it has not been as imminent as it is now. When I say imminent, I mean that the time has come when there will be no more delay. My coming has been in a delayed position from the time of the pioneers until now because my coming has been dependent upon the knowledge and acceptance of the cleansing of the subconscious, where all the urges to sin rise to cause sinful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors which cannot be controlled by the conscious mind. Although habit patterns of thinking and behavior may be modified by introspection and substitution of new ways of responding to stimuli, the basic roots of thinking and feeling about life are still deeply and firmly rooted in the experiences of the past, and except for a miracle of my grace and restorative power, there is no hope of permanent change. This is why it has taken 6000 years of time to recover even a remnant of mankind to the original mind of perfect thinking that I gave in the beginning. And without my substitutionary life, death, resurrection, and ministry in the heavenly sanctuary, it would be forever impossible to restore fallen beings. That is why my Father and I covenanted to carry out the plan of salvation, and we have not turned back, although it has been a difficult road even for us.

But now the journey is almost over, and we will soon have the finished product of our sacrifice. This is why I am saying today that there will be no more delay. I will guide you in your study of what that means, for I am not setting a specific date for you. This will continue to be revealed as you walk forward in the pathway that I have outlined for you. But I assure you that this is the generation and you are the people who will walk through the pearly gates into my kingdom, and that right speedily. No more delay means that you have the message of the cleansing and blotting out of sin that must take place before I close probationary time and step out of the most holy place where I am now ministering for my chosen ones who are responding to my call for cleansing of heart and mind on all three levels of consciousness. Only these will be able to withstand the rigors of the time of trouble and go through the end of time, for only they will hear me constantly speaking to them and thus be able to follow me perfectly through the wilderness to the Promised Land.

Now go to the activities of your day, but watch for the evidence of my providences in your life, and listen carefully to the slightest whisper of my still, small voice in your mind. Never, never allow the feelings of darkness that Satan brings around you in the atmosphere to discourage or frighten you, because I am allowing him to have almost full reign in the world now because the people of the world have chosen him as their leader. But do not allow that to discourage or depress your mind; instead, gird up the loins of your mind and practice reaching out through the darkness into the light of my presence. You never need to be in darkness, for I am always there for you, and if you look to me and call upon me, I am there for you.

I want to walk with you and talk with you today, so look up and see me standing for you in the most holy place in the heavenly sanctuary, and the light streaming through the pearly gates of the New Jerusalem which is my home -- and yours! Never get discouraged, because discouragement is from the enemy, and by discouragement he seeks to get access and then control of your mind. When you feel him around you, call upon me and I will answer and dispel him from your presence. All power in heaven and earth is mine, and I will exercise it for you when you call upon me for anything that you need. There is no end to what I can and will do for you if you will call to me for help. Your struggles are my struggles because I am intimately connected to you with love and tenderness and compassion, and every worry that concerns you, and every tear of your suffering reaches my heart of love for you. So let us rejoice together that the time is near when I shall end your suffering with the glorious light of my presence as I descend to earth to receive you unto myself and take you home, there to be together for eternity! Lovingly, Jesus.

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I have a message for you today concerning something that is from my heart to each one of my chosen ones. I say chosen ones because you have chosen me and the path of truth for this time in history, when the desire of all the saints and prophets of the ages will come to fulfillment. The longing of each person who has gone before you has been to be alive to see me come in the clouds of glory, and their desire will be fulfilled, because my angels will go before me and reap the harvest of the earth at the resurrection of the righteous, and they will look up and see my face as they come forth from their dusty graves.

But you, my beloved ones, are chosen to be among the righteous living because you have chosen to go through the cleansing that is necessary to break the bonds of sin and death. Your cooperation allows me to be bring forth a remnant who are willing to be a spectacle to men and angels to show that the plan of salvation is completely sufficient to take away every vestige of sin, rebellion, and selfishness from the heart of man and restore everyone who walks with me through the cleansing process into my image and likeness of character. To love each other as I have loved you means that the defects of character must be removed which stand between me and you so that there is no dross in the way of the full outpouring of my love. It is sin that prevents the fullness of my love and the righteous attributes of my character from flowing from me to you. You must give up all unholy thoughts and feelings, for I will not take these from you unless you cooperate fully and completely with me in their removal.

Do you feel thoughts and feelings of anger, frustration, unhappiness and impatience when things do not go the way you want them to go? These are seeds sown from childhood, or inherited from your ancestry, and they must be overcome or I cannot fill you with my love, patience, mercy, peace and joy as I am longing to do. Do you know how much I want to help you when you are upset, sad, or lonely? I'm always right beside you, ready to help in any need you have. Call upon me and I will deliver you from every situation. I will never disappoint you if you seek me, for if you seek me with all your heart, you shall find me!

Now go to the activities of your day, but lean wholly upon me, for I will not disappoint you -- ever! You can be sure that Satan has plans to harass you and cause you to stumble. But you never need to give into his plans and wiles for you, for I have won the victory for you, and I have the antidote for every temptation. I am your strong tower, and if you will run to me you will be safe from all harm and danger from the enemy. Do you know how much I love you? Test me and see that I am good, and I have only good in store for you. Just let me prove this to you today and every day until I come. Lovingly, Jesus.

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