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Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

It was a pleasure visiting with you today. I came because you are all following me more closely each day, and becoming more cleansed and filled with my Spirit. It is a joy to me to see at last a remnant in my church on earth who are willing to step out from the crowd and be cleansed of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit and represent the faithful of all ages who have loved and followed me through sorrow, suffering, persecution and martyrdom for the sake of my truth and my kingdom. And now the time has come for me to call my final people to a relationship with me which no one before you have experienced as a collective group. I have always had faithful ones through the ages that have loved me more than life itself, and they will shine like stars forever in my kingdom. But never since Pentecost have I had a people who were a representation of the finished product of my grace. For a time after Pentecost, the believers were as one. But soon factions broke out and eventually became the church of Ephesus who had lost their first love for me and each other. Then as the centuries went by, the papal system of Rome was revealed, which displays the very character of Satan himself, and through them he set himself up as ruler of this world, which is always what he wanted to do, even while he was in heaven.

Now this satanic spirit is rising again as you know, and I am calling you to expose him and unmask the stealthy progress of world control that is surfacing and being accepted by people around the world. My people are asleep on the verge of my coming, and they know it not. I can no longer intercede for such ones, for they are allowing my arch-enemy to grow in power without protest. I am asking you, my beloved ones, to take your stand against the papacy's stealthy but bold assault against truth, and unmask his advances before he takes the world into his lies and comes out boldly against my truth and my people. Do not stand idly by without protest. The fallen churches have said that the protest is over. But they do not know that I have a faithful remnant who, like the reformers of old, will not allow my truths to be trampled underfoot, but will take a bold stand against error. Thank you for being willing to stand up for my truth when champions are few, and the church is looking only for the Sunday law as the sign of my coming. When that actually happens, it will be too late to prepare for most.

Now go to the activities of your day, but never forget that I am with you always and I am counting on you to get the last warning message out to the world, and to preach the second angel's message, which will be followed by the third and joined by the loud cry of the fourth. My angels are even now preparing for this final message to the world. You may think you are only a small group, but others will join you, and so by the power of my Spirit in the latter rain, the work will be finished. Farewell for now my beloved ones, but do not forget how much I love you and prize your devotion to me and my cause in the earth. Because of your dedication and obedience, the great controversy between good and evil will finally be ended, and my reign of glory will begin! Lovingly Jesus.

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I am happy to tell you today that I am moving forward in the earth to bring everything in the world and in society to the great culmination of history. I can do this because you, my chosen ones, are going forward in your cleansing and are being restored into my image. Yes, there are yet things that must be cleansed from your characters, and work to do to help the stragglers and those who are just beginning their journey toward holiness, but as long as I have leaders who are at the head of my work of cleansing, I can bring others quickly into the fold of safety, and they can learn from you. So do you see how important it is for you to keep in step with everything that I bring you through in your cleansing? Everything depends upon whether I have a cleansed bride -- a representation of what I can do in fallen human beings through my grace and my intercessory work in the heavenly sanctuary. I love each one of you with an everlasting love, and I will not allow a hair of your head to fall without my notice.

Now go to the activities of your day, but do not allow one moment to pass when you are unmindful of my love and care for you. Although you cannot see the angels that I have stationed around you to protect, guard and guide you, you can by faith know that they are there, that they love you, and that you are never alone to face the wiles, temptations and plans of the devil to hurt and destroy you. You are safe in the shadow of my wings. But I will caution you to never be presumptuous about my care for you. Remember the old prophet who disobeyed my counsel and was killed by a lion along the way. I will not protect those who deliberately disobey my express commands and walk unbidden on Satan's ground. Avoid presumption at all cost, for the evil one is ever looking to find a way to hurt and destroy my people. But you, my beloved ones, are the apple of my eye and you are in the center of my will for you, and I will never allow you to be the sport of the enemy. I have paved the way to heaven with my blood, and as long as you travel the same path of obedience, faith, and self-sacrifice, you will be safe from the enemy! Keep your courage today, my chosen ones, for it is one day closer to my coming! Lovingly, Jesus.

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

My soul is exercised today in sympathy for your trials and stresses and the problems of life that cause you to sometimes wonder if I am hearing your cries for help and seeing your tears in the night. Please remember that there is not a moment that I am not bending over you with the loving care of a mother with a sick child, and in every trouble that you have, I have a way planned for your relief. But the trial itself is necessary for the burnishing, polishing process that is necessary to bring you forth as gold. I will allow the trial only as long as there is a need for character development in that area of your life. The most important aspects of character that I am looking for at the present time is faith, patience, and trust in me that I have not left you, and that the trial will be removed when the desired effect has been produced in your character.

Trials do not spring from nowhere, but are the result of roots of sin that you do not know or realize that they exist. But these very roots would spring up to strangle you in the time of trouble that is soon to come upon you and the world. I am holding back the winds of strife a little longer to give you and all my people time to be cleansed of all the dross and tin in your characters. Then I will let the winds go and you will see such a scene of strife that you have only read about up till now. I will keep you under the shadow of my wings, but I cannot do this if you still have dross in your characters. My people mean everything to me, and each is as important to me as though there were not another soul upon the face of the earth. So lean your whole weight upon me and never fear that I will let you suffer anything that is not for your refining and your best good. If you could see the end from the beginning as I can, you would choose the same pathway in which I am leading you, and rejoice with joy unspeakable that you are being saved from the consequences of unconfessed, unrepented of sins when probation closes and there is no more hope of salvation. These sins would come up and crush you, and this is what I am determined to spare you of if you will trust and obey me through this time of trial.

So look up and hold fast to me and let your faith in me grow until you would rather die than be separated from my love for you. That is how I felt on the cross. I died because I could not bear the thought of leaving you to perish alone in your sins. I know what it feels like to be left alone as I did when I could no longer feel my Father's love and support, and I want to spare you from even one moment of this agony. So look to me, trust in me, lean your whole weight upon me, and you will not be disappointed, for I will come to you in the darkness, and give you the light of my presence.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your heart always open to me and I will surprise you with the evidences of my love when you least expect it, and reward you for your growth in patience, faith, and love. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for you are the apple of my eye. Lovingly, Jesus.

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