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Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with each one of you who is working so faithfully in my vineyard, for I am coming soon to reap the harvest of the earth. Not one of you is unimportant to the outcome of my work in the earth. Just as my disciples were specifically chosen and equipped to fulfill an important role in the early church, so you are chosen to fulfill a vital role in the finishing of the plan of salvation. Although you do not know yet all of the meaning of what I am saying to you now, you will soon see as the work goes forward. Day by day I will lead and instruct you, so be listening carefully to my still, small voice as I guide and lead you, for I will never coerce you to work in my vineyard. You must have a quiet heart and open spirit to hear and respond to my Spirit. Do not allow the pressures of life crowd out my Spirit. Do not forget to spend quiet time with me every morning so that you can connect easily with me throughout the day. Do not let anyone or anything distract you or cause you to feel that I am angry with you or that I have turned away from you or that I am not listening to your cries for help and encouragement and direction. I pledge to you my undying, unrelenting love and watchcare over you until this present world fades into eternity. I gave my life to give me this privilege, and my heart is set forever to redeem and guide my people through the perils that exist in this life on earth until I have finished my course and my battle against the evil one, and have rescued my precious flock from the devil and his war against me. So never fear, never get discouraged or downhearted. Look up to me when the storm clouds seem ominous and trials collect upon your pathway to the heavenly kingdom. I am and will always be near you to help, protect and deliver you.

Now go to the activities of your day, but look up and keep looking up, for there is light ahead, and I have already made a pathway all the way to my kingdom for you, and I will walk it together with you through all the days ahead and the war is over, and you are safely with me in my kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

As you may be noticing, I am allowing a slipping in the economic structure because of the events taking place with China, because I want to warn the world of the complete economic collapse that will take place before I come. Everything which I permit to happen during the trumpets are warnings of what is coming upon the world at my coming. There will be an ebb and flow of such events because I must hold up the structure of society for the sake of my own people who are carrying the last warning message to the world. But I want you to take note of these things because they portend the doom that will take place when I remove my protective hand from the structures of society. There will be wars and rumors of wars, and great anxiety upon people and nations, and yet I will not allow everything to go down until I come. This is why my coming will be a great surprise to the wicked, for they will think they can go on forever in their present condition. When I come, the nations of the world will fall, and everything will crumble before me as I come to receive my people unto myself. Those days are right upon us, and are hastening greatly, but there is a little space of time when I will hold back the winds of strife for your sakes so that you can finish the work that I have assigned to you. In this little time of comparative peace when the clouds are forming overhead, I want to alert you to prepare for the time of trouble in ways that I will guide you. I do not mean for you to go to extreme measures, for I have appointed angels to guide and protect you through the difficult times ahead. But keep an open mind to my impressions and providences of how to prepare in the ways that I shall lead you to do.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your eyes directed upward to my slightest whisper, and let your faith and courage fail not, for I will never leave you nor forsake you, no matter what may happen in the world around you. I will lead you and provide for you as I did the Israelites in the wilderness wanderings, and soon you will be forever with me in the heavenly Canaan! Lovingly, Jesus.

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

You have heard a message from my servant today that contains the truth on this subject. I have inspired him to research the subject carefully and well so that it can be presented clearly to anyone who needs to hear and understand. But I also want all of you to understand that while you cannot know the exact time of my coming, you can and must know when it is near and hasting greatly. This is one of the purposes that I have for sending you messages from my heart, so that you will not grow weary in well-doing and turn to the attractions of the world and become slothful servants on the verge of my coming. There has never been such an important time in history to be awake and alert to my slightest whisper, because without my constant guidance, you will be susceptible to human nature and the temptations of the devil to put off the day of my coming. This you must be wary of, for I am depending upon you to be my mouthpieces and interpreters to the world of the signs I am sending that the end is near at hand. I will use you to speak to individuals or to the masses, if you keep alert and watch for the doors that I will open before you. Already the angels are preparing for the arrival of my bride, and a celebration will resound throughout the universe that the great controversy is over and that the effects of sin are eradicated forever.

Now go to the remainder of your day, but do not forget to keep your eyes upward to hear my slightest whisper to guide you into further and further light which will make you more effective servants and watchman on the walls to warn every person to get ready for my coming. Many souls will be saved as a result of your faithfulness, and *you will see your Lord a-coming in a few short days! Lovingly, Jesus.

*SDA Hymnal, p. 438. Early Advent hymn sung by James White.

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