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Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased to tell you today that the message of the cleansing will go around the world with lightning speed as a result of the work that all of you are doing. Angels would like to do this work, but they must use human instrumentalities like you to preach their messages as they receive them from my throne. The first angel's message is now being repeated for this generation, for the message of the judgment is the message of the cleansing for the last generation. The judgment of the living is now the message that must go around the world in order to prepare for the next two messages and the loud cry of the fourth angel. These last messages will go very quickly because they will be a result of fully accepting the true meaning of the first angel. In order to preach the last two messages, I must have a cleansed people who are in constant connection with me and hear my voice and obey me without fear of reprisal from any human being, either inside or outside of the church. There are many who claim to be my messengers who are afraid of speaking out and giving a straight message, because they do not want to arouse suspicion that they are not working according to the prescribed teachings of the day. But these are not my spokesmen, nor will they receive a reward from me for their labors. As I have said, they will be cast out where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. But you, my beloved ones, fear not the opposition of those who rise up against you. Each of you stand up bravely and give out every measure of light that you have from me, and therefore I will give you more to fill your vessels with holy oil from the sanctuary in heaven, so that you will be increasingly blessed with greater understanding and greater light to give to the world.

Now go to the activities of your day, but don't forget to keep your hearts open to receive more understanding of the things that are pertinent for today, because it is present truth that the people need to awaken them from their slumbers so that they can prepare for my soon coming. You do not need to worry about the amount of time that is left to finish the work, but only just to do day by day what I ask you to do, and the timing will take care of itself. In the meantime, be joyous and serve me in my sanctuary, and soon I will return and take you to myself to serve me in my sanctuary in heaven and be forever around my throne. Lovingly, Jesus.

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

My message to you tonight is concerning where we are in time. I know this is always of interest to you, and although I am not going to discuss exact timing, I want you to know that my goals are on schedule and can continue to be so because each of you are faithfully doing your part, even though it is stressful at times to keep pressing onward. This is the requirement and the privilege I have bestowed upon you, and I will continue to open up doors of opportunity for you to work in my vineyard wherever it may lead you. Most of you will not be traveling to foreign countries, but by modern methods of communication, the words of the truth will go around the world more quickly than you may think. You see, not everyone in the world has to hear your specific message, for you are targeting only those who are open to the truths that are necessary in order to be translated at my coming. Many will not understand the depth of their meaning, while others will be repelled with truths that they feel unable to comprehend. Just like the sower and the seeds, some fell on rocky places, hard ground, or by the roadside. But some fell upon good ground and produced a crop. So it will be with your work. Not everyone will find them to be helpful, because they are not interested in getting closer to me or focusing upon preparing for my coming. Leave them to their common lives and their common duties, for they are like fodder and not true wheat to gather into my barn. But you, my faithful ones, are the joy of my heart, because your interest in my messages and my truths equals mine, and I can share the truth with you that I cannot share with others because you are open to my Spirit and willing to make every effort or sacrifice to get the light out. As a result, we can go steadily forward without breaking rank or losing time.

Now go to your rest, but keep your heart in my hands and know that nothing that befalls you is outside of my provision for you. If you could have your eyes opened you would see me walking beside you and leading you forward, and providing for you even in the lowliest of duties. Even there I am sustaining and guiding you. When the morning breaks and the light shines in your window, just remember that I am there waiting for you to arise and begin our day together, and I have many surprises in store for you as you walk the narrow way of service. By walking with me you will learn how to serve in new ways each day as I reveal them to you, and you will have fullness of joy, for our walk together is the best part of the journey! Lovingly, Jesus.

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I am with you today in spirit, and very interested in the sermon which was brought to you today, because it is in essence what you are beginning to experience from brethren who disagree with you about my human nature and the cleansing work of the second apartment, which I am performing for every child of mine who is in tune with the leadership of my Spirit speaking to their hearts to join me in preparing for my soon coming. Those who are rejecting this vital message do so because they have secret sins in their hearts that they do not want to be exposed, even to me. It is the spirit that possessed Satan's heart in heaven, and springs from pride and the desire not to submit their cherished beliefs and opinions, and they will stop at nothing to protect themselves from exposure of their errors. They are not aware of what they are doing, for Satan has blinded them to their true motives. But I will set my hand to expose the error of their positions for the sake of my flock and my true followers who love me and want all the truth.

Now go to the activities of your day and enjoy your fellowship, but do not try to carry the heavy burdens of the sins of others. I am the sin bearer, because you cannot face the wrath of the evil one against you and the truths that I am unfolding to you because you have open hearts, and never stop seeking to know me and follow the pathway of obedience. You will be richly rewarded for being the Bereans of this time in history, and I will continue to reveal light and truth to you as you go forward. Look up and not down at the baying of the wolves. They are not to be allowed to distract you, but to spur you on to greater heights of understanding and victory over the lies of the evil one. We are in holy wedlock together, and as you look only to me, I will continue to reveal more understanding and precious gems of truth never before seen, but now available to you under the outpouring of the latter rain.

I enjoyed your Sabbath school lesson today because much truth was revealed that gave precious light on the true meaning of the Sabbath. And soon you will be enjoying an eternity of Sabbaths in my kingdom, before the throne of my Father and surrounded by all the heavenly angels and the saved of all ages who will rejoice together with you for the salvation that I have provided. Live in contemplation of this and you will not be distracted by the things of this earth, for heaven will be in your heart. Lovingly, Jesus.

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