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I am Coming
Dearest One, Good morning, and a happy preparation day for the Sabbath! I am looking forward to this Sabbath with you and all your family...
Keep your eyes upward
Dearest One, I know you have so many burdens upon your heart and mind, and it filters into your sleep. I advise you to keep your mind and...
Note: In the morning the Lord asked me to find texts that we can study and claim through the days ahead to give us courage. Here are some...
Encouragement from Jesus
Dearest one, Keep up the good work in your research concerning the devil and his character and activities against my kingdom and my...
Dearest Ones, I have happiness in my heart for each of you because you are traveling so faithfully on the narrow road to the kingdom of...
Victory Through Every Trial
Dearest Ones, I am thinking of all of you in a special way this morning, for I know that you are struggling with the various vicissitudes...
More Light on the Trumpets
Dearest Ones, As you can see, I am opening up further light on the trumpets, as I promised I would do when you were ready to perceive it....
Our Responsibility
Dearest Ones, My message to you today is of utmost importance, for I am about to do something in the world that is a further step in...
Protection During the Great Time of Trouble
Dearest Ones, I have enjoyed being with you today by the presence of the Holy Spirit as the love of my Father for you has been displayed....
Restoring the mind to its Original Perfection
Dearest Ones, I am so pleased with your response to my message of love to you today. I used the writings of my servant, Ellen White, to...
A Love Letter from Jesus
Dearest Ones, I have a message for you today concerning the timing of my advent. I have not spoken to you about this before because it...
Dearest Ones, I have a message for you today concerning something that is from my heart to each one of my chosen ones. I say chosen ones...
Dearest Ones, You are so precious to me in your love and devotion to me and your sensitivity to my every wish and command. Not that I...
Laws Guiding Godly Family Relationships
Dearest One, I heartily approve of your sincerity and love and devotion to me that would permit me to take you through this cleansing...
Calling upon Jesus Immediately when Tempted
Dearest Ones, I am happy today to tell you that all of you are progressing forward in your spiritual development and growth in holiness,...
Stand up Boldly for the Truth
Dearest Ones, It was a pleasure visiting with you today. I came because you are all following me more closely each day, and becoming more...
You are the Apple of My Eye
Dearest Ones, I am happy to tell you today that I am moving forward in the earth to bring everything in the world and in society to the...
Encouragement from Jesus
Dearest Ones, My soul is exercised today in sympathy for your trials and stresses and the problems of life that cause you to sometimes...
Jesus will walk with us to the Kingdom
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with each one of you who is working so faithfully in my vineyard, for I am coming soon to reap the harvest of...
Preparing for the Time of Trouble
Dearest Ones, As you may be noticing, I am allowing a slipping in the economic structure because of the events taking place with China,...
Hearing the Slightest Whisper of Jesus
Dearest Ones, You have heard a message from my servant today that contains the truth on this subject. I have inspired him to research the...
Taking the Message to the Common People
Dearest Ones, You have come to a crossroads in your service for me that I must tell you about so that you will understand how to follow...
Application of the Word of God
Dearest Ones, You have heard an important message from me today [my sermon on the necessity of the application of the word of God in all...
Moving Forward in Lightning Speed
Dearest Ones, I have a message today for everyone, for I want you to know that your work for my cause in the earth is going forward with...
Present Truth—The Judgment of the Living
Dearest Ones, I am pleased to tell you today that the message of the cleansing will go around the world with lightning speed as a result...
We are on Schedule
Dearest Ones, My message to you tonight is concerning where we are in time. I know this is always of interest to you, and although I am...
In Holy Wedlock with Jesus
Dearest Ones, I am with you today in spirit, and very interested in the sermon which was brought to you today, because it is in essence...
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with your determination to do my will at all times, and your fervency in all you do to serve me. I am also...
The Message of Cleansing and the Sanctuary To go around the World
Dearest Ones, I have a special message of love for you today because of your faithfulness for my cause in the earth. Because of you, I...
The Purposes of the Messages from Jesus
Dearest Ones, I have a message for you today concerning faith in the messages that I am sending to you. Not everything that you write is...
Companionship with Jesus
Dearest Ones, I was with you today and poured out my Spirit to enlighten and encourage you because you are a part of my vanguard of...
The Garden of Eden Restored
Dearest Ones, This morning is the Sabbath. Do you know what this means to me? Every Sabbath I remember how I created the world and placed...
Never Let Your Heart be Troubled
Dearest Ones, I have a message of love for you tonight because I know that each of you are struggling with all your heart to obey me and...
Time is short and the task is great
Dearest Ones, I am preparing to use you greatly in the days ahead to get my messages of truth to the world. The people of the world are...
The Door of Salvation is Closing
Dearest Ones, Yesterday was an important milestone in the progress of your work for me that is to take the last warning message around...
The Latter Rain
Dearest Ones, I have an important message for you tonight - one that will speed my work forward as you share it with others. Yes, the...
Do Not Worry about the Future
Good morning, Dear Ones! I am with you today in a special way, because we must be about our Father's business. There are many who would...
Keep in My Circle of Protection
Dearest Ones, You are in my heart today. There is a difficult road ahead of us, but fear not, because I will be with you every step of...
Jesus is Pleased with His People
Dearest Ones, I love you with an everlasting love, and this morning I want to tell you how pleased I am with your service for me in...
You are Mine
Dearest Ones, I am with you today and every day - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially; and I will meet every...
Go Forward
Dearest Ones, I love you with an everlasting love and I do not want you to ever feel separated from me or feel that I have removed myself...
Dearest Ones, The subject for today is "love." I know that I have spoken to you about this subject before, but I am now ready to pour out...
Climate Control and the Sunday Law
Dearest Ones, I heartily approve of the direction in which you are going by honoring me in the messages to the world of my soon coming....
Probation is Closing
Dearest Ones, Many of you are wondering where we are in time as it relates to the trumpets. I assure you, the 6th trumpet has now begun,...
Jesus will Protect His People
Dearest Ones, Today I want to address the subject of the 3 1/2 years of the fifth trumpet which is now ending, and the sixth trumpet...
The Love of Jesus for You
Dearest Ones, My thoughts are with you today as you begin another day. You do not know what it will hold, but every moment is an open...
I am Always with You
Dearest Ones, I am in constant communication with you now because every moment is of vital importance as time is passing into eternity....
Speaking the Truth Fearlessly
Dearest Ones, You have come to a new era in your studies concerning end time events, and I am about to reveal to you hidden treasures...
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with your obedience and your prayers for the advancement of the work that I have given to you. I will be with...
Prophecy of War
[Good morning! I have a prophecy for you today from Jesus about what is soon to happen. - Carol Zarska ] The final war will begin in Old...
Praying for the Nations
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with your dedication to my Word, and for sharing its principles so thoroughly with others. This will reap...
Dearest Ones, I am with you today as each of you begins the day in your worship time with me. These morning hours are very precious to me...
Constant Connection through the Storm
Dearest Ones, As the time draws near for my appearing, the things upon earth will be growing dramatically worse, and the challenges of...
Dearest Ones, My thoughts and my heart are with you tonight as you labor to know and to do my will. You will be blessed by heaven for...
Dearest Ones, I want to talk to you today about "fortitude." You are facing the end of all things and know not what it will be like when...
Calmness of Spirit
Dearest Ones, My heart is with you today because there is so much for you to do to keep abreast of the fast pace of things that must be...
Dearest Ones, My message for you today is about "cooperation." I am building up the work on earth, in which you are participants, to...
Sensing the presence of Jesus
Dearest Ones, You cannot imagine how pleased and happy I am because of your devotion and willingness to go forward in spite of opposition...
Our only Safety
Dearest Ones, As we move forward together, please be aware that the devil is walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour,...
Catastrophes—the result of wickedness and rebellion
Dearest Ones, I want to inform you that you are correct when you see the signs and catastrophes around the world, especially in...
Praying for the Children
Dearest Ones, I was happy to attend your services today through the Holy Spirit and the angels. I always enjoy being with my beloved ones...
Safe by looking to Jesus
Dearest Ones, I have not given a message of any length for some time, but today I want to express my appreciation to all of you who are...
Working Together in Love and Divine Unity
Dearest Ones, I want to be with you today in a special way because you are growing so much in your love for me and your membership is...
Share the advanced light with the world
Dearest Ones, I just have a short message for you today to instruct you to go forward as quickly as I open the way for you. Try all doors...
Look to Me for everything
Dearest Ones, All of you are very busy doing the things that I have asked you to do, as well as the tasks that fall to you each day. I do...
Dearest Ones, I want you to know that when persecution happens, I have allowed it in order to spread the truth that I have given you to...
Light for the final Generation
Dearest Ones, You are being tempted by the evil one to become negatively affected in your spirit by the rejection of your messages from...
Dearest Ones, Every day that passes brings us closer to the end of all things, and everything is on a perfect schedule. I am going...
Known Sins
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with the message of today because it came straight from my throne. Until now the true 1888 message has not...
Dearest Ones, The hour grows late for the world, for the time of trouble is fast approaching. There will be light in the homes of the...
Hold On
Dearest Ones, I am thinking of you today concerning the challenges that are before you in the next few months. You cannot know the exact...
Latter Rain
Dearest Ones, I am looking forward to sharing an important subject with you this morning that will gladden your heart and connect you...
The Power of Choice
Dearest Ones, You are all following carefully the blueprint plans that I have for you each day so that nothing is left undone that should...
The Future is in My hands
Dearest Ones, I know you are becoming aware of the change of pace in your lives, and as you can surmise, there is a reason for this. It...
Dearest Ones, I am thinking of you today with a heart full of love and compassion as I see you busy about the work that I am asking you...
Dearest Ones, You are now leaders in the core group who will go through the end together. It is my will that you have each other to...
Only two options
Dearest Ones, The light of the sun today is an evidence of the light of my presence, for without me you will dwell in darkness, as most...
Loved with an everlasting Love
Dearest Ones, I have loved you with an everlasting love. Do you know what this means? It means a love that extends from eternity to...
Dearest Ones, I have seen the diligence of your daily service for me and it pleases me greatly to have my servants totally dedicated to...
Rest in my Love
Dearest Ones, Your service for me and your eagerness to please and honor me bring joy to my heart, because many Christians who serve me...
Dearest Ones, I am very pleased with your plans for the week of prayer and the subjects which you will be presenting. They are messages...
Be Ye also Ready
Dearest Ones, I am coming to you today with a message of love, acceptance, and encouragement. You have no idea how rapidly the work is...
Joyfulness through Trial
Dearest Ones, The message for today is "joyfulness through trial." Darkness will at times come to everyone as you go through the trials...
Second Apartment Cleansing
Dearest Ones, I am happy today for your progress in righteousness and obedience in the things that I am asking you to do. As you know,...
Dearest Ones, I am coming today to visit you through my Spirit and my angels to bring you peace and joy! Satan has his eye upon you and...
Dearest Ones, The days grow short until the world will know that the end has come, and for so many it will be too late. Although my heart...
Dearest Ones, My subject for today is "love." This is a topic that is on the minds and hearts of everyone, and yet it is so little...
Root Issues
Dearest Ones, Today I want to talk to you about "root issues" in your lives. [Matt. 15:13-20; Heb. 12:14, 15.] This is a subject that has...
Seeking Me with all your heart
Dearest Ones, My thoughts are with you today because I see some of you sorrowing because of the adverse circumstances in your life. Satan...
Dearest Ones, I am very pleased with the presentation today, for it was a message from the throne of my Father to combat this heresy...
Dearest Ones, I am thinking today of each one of you in the various activities that comprise your day. I will give you strength and...
The Day of the Lord
Dearest Ones, The days are growing short for the continuing of the daily messages that I promised to give you a year ago, because I'm...
The Oil of the Holy Spirit
Dearest Ones, I want to talk to you today about the oil of the Holy Spirit. [Zech. 4:11-14; Ex. 30:22-25; Lev. 24:2.] There is a...
Dearest Ones, Seventeen years ago I allowed the first of the events that will signal my coming to begin. During the intervening years you...
The Sealing
Dearest Ones, I love you with an everlasting love from eternity, for I have chosen you from the foundation of the world [Eph. 1:4] to be...
Dearest Ones, I am happy today to tell you that I am now speeding up the progress of the message of truth around the world so that the...
Dearest Ones, My eyes are upon my beloved ones around the world who are meeting together to worship me this morning. I am not absent from...
Dearest Ones, As the Sabbath hours are approaching, I want to talk to you about "rest." This is a much broader topic than many suppose it...
The Fear of the Lord
Dearest Ones, I am delighted today to share a new topic with you - "the fear of the Lord." [Isa. 11:2, 3.] This subject is all throughout...
No Delay
Dearest Ones, You are all progressing in your walk with me and learning to hear my voice [Isa. 30:21] in the stillness and quietness of...
The Battle of Armageddon
Dearest Ones, Today I want to talk to you about "the battle of Armageddon." There are many concepts about this that are believed in the...
Much to be Accomplished
Dearest Ones, As the days hasten on to my coming, there is so much that is yet to be accomplished for my people. At this time the...
The Necessity of Prayer
Dearest Ones, I want to talk to you today about "the necessity of prayer." All of you are mighty in prayer and seek me and find me every...
Latter Rain
Dearest Ones, My precious ones, you are the reward of my suffering and the years of waiting for the final generation. It is like the...
Faithfulness under Trial
Dearest Ones, Today my topic is "faithfulness under trial." As the days grow shorter until my coming, the efforts of the evil one to...
Dearest Ones, I want to talk to you today about "cleansing." Without holiness no one will see God [Heb. 12:14], and holiness is agreement...
All Mysteries to be made Known
Dearest Ones, The time is near when all mysteries will be made known to my people. As the years have gone by, each generation has had a...
The Trumpets are Blowing
Dearest Ones, I am about to speed up the blowing of trumpets around the world to warn the world of its coming doom. [Amos 3:6.] There is...
Dearest Ones, You are a part of the great family of God and beloved of heaven, for you have taken your place in the lineup of saints and...
Dearest Ones, The subject for today is "communication." I am a God of communication, not only with my Father, the angels, and humanity,...
Dearest Ones, Today has been a special day for my people who are getting ready for what is soon coming in society and among the nations....
Dearest Ones, As the Sabbath hours draw near, I want to be especially close to your heart, for the Sabbath was made for fellowship with...
The Time of the End
Dearest Ones, The topic for today is, "the time of the end." [Dan. 8:17, 19.] Ever since my disciples were on earth, they looked forward...
Time is Running Out
Dearest Ones, The time for my people and the people of the world is running out. This is not because my patience is running out, but...
The Testimony of Jesus
Dearest Ones, I love you with an everlasting love, for you have accepted the challenge of being members of my last-day remnant people who...
The Shaking
Dearest Ones, Today marks the beginning of a new phase of the work of the kingdom of God. The shaking [EW 269-273] has begun in earnest...
I am with You
Dearest Ones, I want you to know that in all your tribulations and trials, I am with you, walking beside you, though unseen. Because of...
Dearest Ones, I know the trials that you are going through right now; these are coming to you because I am separating the sheep from the...
Dearest Ones, I love to welcome you on the eves of the Sabbath, as I did with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Those were beautiful...
Dearest Ones, There is rejoicing in heaven today because of the speed with which the gospel is going forward in the earth. Angels are...
Dearest Ones, As the time grows closer to the end of all things, it is imperative that you hold firmly to the faith and do not be swayed...
Let not Your Heart be Troubled
Dearest Ones, I am pleased today with your devotion and obedience. As the Commander of the armies of heaven, I am looking for my...
Dearest Ones, I will give you the message for today. It is "duty." To some this may sound like a harsh word that calls to mind works...
A Message of Encouragement
Dearest Ones, I have a message of encouragement today for my valiant warriors who are following the path I have marked out for them and...
Dearest Ones, The Sabbath is a delight to all of heaven because we can visit with our people around the world and bring beams of glory to...
The True Message of Righteousness by Faith
Dearest Ones, I am thinking of you today and sending my Spirit to you to guide and strengthen you for any attacks of the evil one to...
Total Abstinence
Dearest Ones, Today is a new day to allow the sunshine of my love and grace to shine into your hearts, to prepare you for the challenges...
Go Forward
Dearest Ones, Today is a special day of rejoicing in the courts of heaven, because my people are responding to my call to prepare for my...
Dearest Ones, The days hasten on until my coming, and I want you to know that I am visiting my people around the world, preparing hearts...
Follow on to Know the Lord
Dearest Ones, As you begin your busy week of activities, I want to extend my hand to you to walk with me through the unknown. I say this...
The Second and Fourth Angels Messages
Dearest Ones, Today I have a message that will bring you encouragement and hope for the days ahead. Much work was done at ASI that will...
Dearest Ones, As the time for my coming draws near, I am sending my Holy Spirit and angels to every soul who is honest in heart and...
The Trumpets
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with your dedication to receive all the light that I have for you to learn and share about the trumpets. There...
Well done, thou good and faithful servant
Dearest Ones, The time has arrived when I want every person to dedicate every moment to be in harmony and oneness with me in every area...
Dearest Ones, Every day that you get up in the morning is a day closer to my coming. It is a day to rejoice in my love and care for you;...
Dearest Ones, You are on the pathway that I want you to be -- preparing to give the loud cry of the second and fourth angels' messages to...
Dearest Ones, I am pleased this morning to tell you that the revival that I have promised concerning the time of the latter rain has...
Dearest Ones, The days hasten on toward my coming, and yet so few are aware that life as you know it now will soon be only a memory. Of...
My Father
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with the dedication of each of you in staying on the pathway of cleansing and holiness of character. The goal...
Well Done
Dearest Ones, As the Sabbath approaches, I want to welcome you into its sacred hours. I will be with you in spirit and truth [John 4:24],...
The Three Angels' Messages
Dearest Ones, This morning I want to talk to you about the three angels' messages [Rev. 14: 6-12] as they apply to today. As you know,...
Dearest Ones, My message today is concerning the subject of "translation." Many are questioning about the requirements to be among those...
Be Ye Also Ready
Dearest Ones, The work of the latter rain is going forward in the earth, and even though the droplets have just begun, there is a change...
Dearest Ones, My message for today is "fortitude." As the world and society is disintegrating before your eyes, so let your gaze be...
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with the fervor of your devotion to me and the cause in which we are now engaged - to spread the last warning...
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with your plans today to have a special time of corporate prayer and anointing for service in my vineyard. I...
Dearest Ones, My heart is longing to share some things with you that will give you courage for the days ahead. A storm is coming,...
Dearest Ones, As you can see, I am opening doors of opportunity for you to go forward and spread the good news of my soon coming. Ask me...
Dearest Ones, My heart is very tender today as I see you responding to my love and my will as I have expressed it to you. I can count on...
My Bride
Dearest Ones, How lovely are the fields of ripening grain that are preparing for the harvest! How great the joy of the husbandman who has...
Dearest Ones, I am pleased to share some thoughts of encouragement and blessings with you today. The harvest of the earth has come, for...
"Awaken O earth to the sound of the trumpet!"
Dearest Ones, I am with you today as you travel to your speaking engagement. I will be with you as you share the truths that I have given...
Generosity 2018-7-13
Greetings to my lovely ones who listen for my voice and obey me each day! The subject for today is "generosity." The natural heart of man...
Blotting out of Sin
Dearest Ones, As the time of my coming draws near, I am visiting each of you who professes my name, and searching your hearts to see if...
Dearest Ones, As the time of my coming draws near, I am visiting each of you who professes my name, and searching your hearts to see if...
The Armor of God
Dearest Ones, I am pleased as I see my people looking to me for strength and victory and overcoming the assaults and temptations of the...
Dearest Ones, My heart of love is focused upon my people around the world today. Two things are happening that I have foreseen and...
Dearest Ones, My subject for today is "tranquility." In a world of sin, suffering, and death, it is difficult to maintain a tranquil and...
Dearest Ones, I am with you today as I was with my disciples when we walked and talked together about things too wonderful for them to...
Dearest Ones, The day has come when I must go forward with my plans to finish the work in righteousness and holiness of purpose. I will...
Latter Rain 2018-7-6
Dearest Ones, My heart is joyful today because of the progress of my people toward holiness. My true followers are divesting themselves...
Preparedness 2018-7-5
Dearest Ones, The closing work is hastening on as the time draws near for my coming. The loud cry is yet ahead of us, but the preparation...
Service 2018-7-4
Dearest Ones, My heart and my love are with you today as you begin another day of activity for your family and for me. In fact,...
Rejoice 2018-7-3
Dearest Ones, I am rejoicing today because of the love and faithfulness of my true followers around the world. As the time draws near for...
Dearest Ones, My subject today is "wholeness." From the time man sinned, there has been brokenness of mind and spirit. This is because...
Meat in Due Season
Dearest Ones, Today is the beginning of a new week of service for my cause in the earth. I will be with you as you go forth into the...
Gold Tried in the Fire
Dearest Ones, I am happy today to visit with you in your worship this morning on the Sabbath day. I will send my angels to help you to...
Dearest Ones, The day is hastening on toward the culmination of history. This is the time that was seen afar by the prophets of old when...
The Shaking
Dearest Ones, Today is a very special day because I see my people moving forward, coming into line all over the earth, hearing the...
Your Duty
Dearest ones, I love you with an everlasting love that flows from eternity to eternity. All who step into that river of love which comes...
Dearest Ones, The days hasten on toward my coming, and I am pleased to see my true followers coming into line with truth and getting...
Dearest Ones, My heart is open to hear your prayers and supplications today as always. Every day brings us closer to the day of my...
Heavenly Trumpets
Dearest Ones, Today my thoughts are on the subject of heavenly trumpets. Trumpets in the Old Testament were used as a method of...
The Sabbath
Dearest Ones, How glad I am to share the Sabbath with you today, and my people around the world. It is always a high day in heaven, for...
Watchmen on the Walls of Zion
Dearest Ones, The affairs of the kingdom of God are upon my heart today to share with you as the day approaches for my coming. There is...
Dearest Ones, I am thinking of you today, and I am keenly aware of the struggles you are going through because of the trials that life...
Dearest Ones, Today is a special day in the courts of heaven for we are rejoicing to see that our beloved children are moving forward in...
Dearest Ones, You are on my heart today as you begin your busy activities. Each of you is very precious to me as are all of my people...
Dearest Ones, As the time of my coming draws nearer, the activity of my people must keep pace with the needs of people around the world...
Friendliness, Cheerfulness, and Faith
Dearest Ones, I am happy today to tell you that your prayers for help and encouragement have come up before me and I am sending my angels...
The Sealing
Dearest Ones, I am pleased to see the devotion of my chosen and faithful ones around the world each Sabbath day. There are so many people...
The Harvest
Dearest Ones, The hour is late for the probation of the world, and the time for my coming draws near! I am sending my angels around the...
Dearest Ones, I am very near to my servants today around the world. They are hastening to do the work that I have assigned them. Some are...
Dearest Ones, You are in my thoughts today because you are the sheep of my pasture and the focus of my heart. This is the time that was...
Dearest Ones, You are on my heart today and every day because you are so attentive to the slightest whisper of my voice to you. It is a...
Dearest Ones, I am rejoicing with you today because your minds are so open to spiritual truth and you are growing up quickly under the...
Wonderful Counselor
Dearest Ones, I have been with you every moment on your trip to 3ABN, and I gave you traveling mercies and protection through the angels....
Dearest Ones, I am with you today as you travel to 3ABN camp meeting. You are my ambassadors to take the good news of my soon coming. The...
Dearest Ones, I am thinking of you today, for my mind and heart are ever with my people who are serving me with their whole heart and...
Dearest Ones, You are the apple of my eye as you cooperate daily with the leading of my Spirit in your devotions and send up your prayers...
Dearest Ones, My heart of love and concern is with you today to watch over you and guide you safely through the day and every day until I...
Dearest Ones, The message today is about "genuineness." You may think that this is a strange topic, but it is really about the present...
Dearest Ones, Today on this Sabbath day, I want to welcome you into the family of God. Around the world people who love and serve me are...
Take Courage
Dearest Ones, I have a message for you today which will encourage your hearts, for there is much yet to be done before I come, and Satan...
Be of Good Cheer
Dearest Ones, I have a special topic for you today to gladden your hearts and uplift any drooping spirits or feelings of discouragement...
The Blotting out of Sin—An Experience
Dearest Ones, My heart is with you today and every day as you struggle with the challenges of daily life. I am pleased to see you...
Dearest Ones, I am thinking of you today and desiring to share with you the thoughts of my heart on the nearness of the close of...
Dearest Ones, My joy and delight is ever in my chosen ones who love me and desire to commune with me each morning and throughout the day....
First Fruits
Dearest Ones, May your day today be blessed with the outpouring of my Spirit and the love and care that I have for each of you. This is...
Dearest Ones, Be joyful today as you see the time approaching for the wedding of the Lamb, for my Bride is making herself ready and...
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